
Blocked Paths




There are times that in order for our prayers to be answered, certain obedience is necessary to open up the path to that fulfilled desire. And sometimes God will even block off the other paths so that only His plan can be followed.


For myself, I had been praying for a certain physical miracle to happen and God even gave me a huge revelation in the form of a book to share with the world when that time comes. 


When God opened up this new discovery to me, He also gave me blueprints to follow. I am sorry to say that until this time I had been avoiding following those blueprints. It was something I had planned to do but I kept setting on the shelf titled “tomorrow”. 


Recently I had been in tears and praying for this miracle because I was aching to see a change. Then God spoke to me through a phone call from my mom. She was telling me about the class that she is taking and in that class, they mentioned the sacrifice of a lamb. 


I have a weakness in my heart even telling this story because it makes me so sad. But historically when a lamb’s life was being taken, they would stretch out his legs and tie him up. Without getting into details, the more the lamb would resist, the more the process would hurt. 


The Lord used this little story to remind me of my oath to surrender and trust His ways. As of lately, anytime that I indulged in certain things that the Lord showed me was not part of the blueprints of the book He has given me, the more I would suffer pain because those things that I was consuming were literally hurting me in ways I never realized until I ended up in the hospital. 



I am at a place where God has blocked off all of the other trails that were hurting me so that He could take me through the trail of seeing my prayers answered and my miracle come to pass. For the past 2 months, I had been very sick every day and after I researched what was behind those things He showed me to let go of, I now understand why it was so important. 


Sometimes God will have us go through uncomfortable things in order to bless us with our heart desires. Or He may ask us to cut ties with things, activities, or relationships that are toxic to our body or soul. Other times He will give us a push out of our comfort zones, in order to help make our dreams come true. I remember when I was a little girl, I wanted so desperately to be a cheerleader, but I was way too shy and afraid to ever see it happen. 


My mom knew how much I dreamed of being a cheerleader and she went behind my back and signed me up. One day she told me to get in the car and then she drove me to the cheerleading tryouts. I was shaking and trembling inside, but I was relieved to find out that it wasn’t so bad. 


Because my mom pushed me out of my comfort zone, I ended up passing the cheer tryouts with flying colors. Not only did that little girl dream come true, but I cheered faithfully from elementary all through high school. Later I was told that my tryout scores were the highest of all the others competing!


God knows our hearts better than we do and if He is asking you to go through something difficult or uncomfortable, then you can be confident that the fulfillment of your heart desire is on the other side. The Shepherd only leads the sheep through the valley in order to get to the greener pastures. 


Today is a day of repentance for me and a rededication of my heart to His plan. I long so much to see this book published and to step into this miracle that He promised me. But before all of those wonderful things happen, a step of obedience is what I must do first. 


Just like the cheerleading tryouts, I believe that I will be so happy that God blocked the paths to those things that were hurting me. Here is to a new path and a new testimony of answered prayers to come! 



Love, Dannette